Totem Rappel/Rigging Device


Totem Rappel/Rigging Device
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Totem Rappel/Rigging Device
Manufacturer N/A
Page By Augie Medina
Page Type Feb 16, 2009 / Feb 17, 2009
Object ID 5887
Hits 9418

Product Description

Just out this year, this product is a rappel and rigging device designed specifically for canyoneering. It encompasses functions of the Figure 8, sticht plate and gigi in one device.

As a rappel device, it handles single or double strand of rope from 7.5mm to 10.5mm. It is easy to add friction during rappel and simple to lock off.

For rigging, you can do releasable figure 8, stone 8 set-up, and use as an anchor rigging plate. And much more. Designed by Rich Carlson.

Product Features

Price: $40

Color: Teal Blue

Material: aluminum

Strength: rated to 30KN

Purchase: Canyon & Crags



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Augie Medina - Feb 16, 2009 2:01 pm - Hasn't voted

Comprehensive Device
I am so comfortable with my Pirana for canyoneering use that I have not yet bought a Totem. But I know it’s only a matter of time. The uses of this device, which I’ve seen demonstrated, are incredibly extensive. In addition to the uses listed above in the Product Description, the Totem can be used as a “trolley” for guided rappels and guided hauls and lowers. In addition, Rich Carlson does workshops on use of the totem for a nominal price above that of the device

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