Portable Toilet Systems

Portable Toilet Systems
Page Type Gear Category
Object Title Portable Toilet Systems
Page By FlatheadNative
Created/Edited Jun 2, 2008 / Nov 15, 2009
Object ID 5383
Hits 7165
Page Score 0%

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Category Description

Hey this is kind of a crappy category but everyone has to deal with it.

Nowdays it is mandatory in many places to pack out what is packed in no matter where it was packed on the trip in.

To unpack certain types of loads in the wilderness and just leave them there is both gauche and just plain downright disgusting.

Here to save an already tenuous situation with the neighbors enters the Portable Toilet System. I cannot imagine having to haul any number 2 in my bag without a solid plan.

To say the least these systems are number 1 in the wilderness number 2 business.

Portable toilets are modern man's answer to "does a bear really _ _ _ _ in the woods?" and "where can I do my #2 business in the woods, or on the wall or on the summit?"

To highlight the importance of where to do the #2, consider the following information is from the Inyo National Forest regarding packing out Human Waste.


Managing Your Human Waste While Visiting Mt. Whitney

"The ONLY acceptable waste disposal method is to pack-it-out! Because of its extreme popularity, disposal methods that are appropriate elsewhere are unacceptable at Mt. Whitney.

Packing out human waste is a common practice among climbers, river rafters, kayakers, cavers and canyoneers. It is encouraged or required at Mt. Shasta, Mt. Rainier, Mt. Hood, Grand Tetons National Park, Zion National Park, Denali and other areas.

In 2007, Mt. Whitney visitors packed out at least 6,330 lbs of human waste! The waste is collected in barrels. If the barrels were stacked, they would be 200 feet tall!!"
