Long Stem Zero Cams


Long Stem Zero Cams
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Long Stem Zero Cams
Manufacturer Wild Country
Page By Dow Williams
Page Type Mar 11, 2008 / Mar 11, 2008
Object ID 5066
Hits 3914

Product Description

Wild Country Long Stem Zero Cams protect cracks down to knifeblade size without the need to get out the hammer and heavy metal. Since their introduction, these keychain-size cams have been helping to shave time off big wall speed records and allowing mortal climbers to make their bivy before dark. Wild Country gave the Long Stem Zero Cams a thumbhole loop to clip in short on aid moves and an extendable sling to help reduce rope drag. These incredibly tiny pieces of protection now have longer stems to allow placements in deep cracks and nearly out-of-reach pockets.


Cam Lobes: 4
Stem(s): Single
Axles: Single
Cam Stops: Yes
Warranty: 1 Year

Size, Range, Weight and Strength

1 Purple .22-.31in
25g (.88oz) 3kN
2 Green .28-.38in
32g (1.13oz) 4kN
3 Silver .33-.48in
44g (1.55oz) 6kN
4 Yellow .41-.63in
50g (1.76oz) 6kN
5 Blue .51-.75in
66g (2.33oz) 9kN
6 Red .67-.94in
70g (2.47oz) 9kN



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Dow Williams - Mar 11, 2008 10:41 pm - Voted 5/5

I have busted....
a few metolius 00 and 0 stems taking lead falls...on big wall sandstone, a lot of time we are placing our gear quite deep....this new design is for such purpose and can help avoid the aid gear on some short routes (hammer and knife blades)

rhyang - Nov 28, 2008 3:46 pm - Voted 5/5

Updated design
.. to the WC Zero : longer stem and bigger trigger bar, which should make them easier to clean. I own Z4-Z6 and they are nice alternatives to BD C3's, CCH aliens, etc.

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